[40 Photos] Hafiz Suip's Engagement Day Part I 0 comments Congratulations Hafiz and Effy for their Engagement Day. Hope that both of you will be together until Jannah. We will waiting for your wed...
Cute Lara Alana's behavior in the Aircraft In order to meet her mother 0 comments As we know, Scha Al-Yahya had her duties in Istanbul for the past few weeks alone. So, after Awal Ashaari done his work in Malaysia, he br...
When Aaisyah Dhia Rana Attend Her Father Birthday Party 0 comments Aaisyah Dhia Rana looks cute in black dress and flower crown around her head. Everyone love her charm and here cuteness. What will she do w...
(7 PHOTOS) Rozita Che Wan Look Sweet In Hijab At Zain Saidin's Birthday Party 1 comments Wow, beautiful, sweet and lovely Rozita Che Wan in hijab on her husband's birthday party, Zain Saidin. Pleasant to the eyes. Insya All...
Zul Huzaimy And Erna Wedding Ceremony 0 comments Zul Huzaimy's Instagram: Thank you dear for you, @miszerna hope everything works properly. Thank you for accepting me as it is...
[VIDEO] Akim Ahmad Admits Still In Love With Stacy 0 comments Finally, after a long period, demure and not openly express their heart's content, last Tuesday Akim Ahmad has confessed his feeli...
[13 Photos] The Handsome Boy of Farid Kamil And Diana Danielle, Muhammad 1 comments The handsome boy of Farid Kamil and Diana Danielle, Muhammad born at Sydney, Australia on July of 2nd, 2013.
[7 Photos] Nabil Ahmad's Daughter, Naira Mikayla Is So Cute 0 comments Here, I would like to share Naira Mikayla's latest photos. She is so cute and her lips like Angelina Jolie (sorry, exact like her fathe...
[9 Photos] Selfies Photos of Agnes Monica Suspected To The Male Idol 0 comments Agnes Monica is always covered of her love story. Although reportedly close to the various names of men, but the Coke Bottle singer was al...
Congratulations Almy Nadia Had Given Birth to Her Firstborn Baby, Fizz And Almy Will Not Reveal Their Child Name And Photos 0 comments Congratulations to Fizz Fairuz and Almy Nadia who already given birth to their first baby at 6:59 pm yesterday. The good news wa...
5 Photos of Emma Maembong's Mom 1 comments Like the proverbial "The apple never falls far from the tree". Emma mother's face in her younger days as gorgeous as E...
Yana Samsudin and Fadzil Share Their Touching Love Story 0 comments Last Friday the couple was safely the title of husband and wife with one pronouncement while, last Saturday a reception ceremony of Yana ...
[2 Photos] Ana Raffali Safe Maternity of the First Born 0 comments Even born two weeks sooner than expected, Alhamdulillah all safe for Ana and her husband. They have both been blessed with a baby boy on F...
[31 Photos] Yana Samsudin and Fadzil Zahari Wedding Reception 1 comments Both of them are match, beautiful and handsome. Their wedding held at Dataran Gemilang Yong Peng last night, 14th February 2015. C...
Han Planned To Marry Tasha Shilla This Year 0 comments "I plan to marry soon. Hopefully this year. I hope and believe that the controversy of her will end up if we get married ...
Congratulation Yana Samsudin And Fadzil Zahari For Their Wedding Today 0 comments Congratulations to Yana Samsudin and Fadzil Zahari which have now beenhusband and wife. They both have been consolidated with one pronounc...
Neelofa's Dad Wishes Her Birthday 1 comments Some of Neelofa's fans never see her father, right? He's so sweet and look young even he's in his 50s. On Neelofa's 26th B...
RM7,000 Fined for Drug Abuse - Terra Rossa's 'Jijam' 1 comments Khairul Hizam (second from left) of Terra Rossa What song of their Band famous?
7 Photos of Lara Alana, Scha and Awal Heart 0 comments The Cute Lara Alana, Schawal daughter. She's so pretty.
Datuk Hasbullah Awang Passes Away 0 comments Astro Awani reported earlier that popular sports commentator, Datuk Hasbullah Awang, 63 had passed away after receiving treatment at t...
[8 Photos] Tomok will having their second child soon 0 comments Soon, Tomok or Shah Indrawan Ismail and Rahayu Abbas will having their second child. As their first son, Arrian Shah Akid is now 2 years ...
[6 Photos] Fathia Latiff And Aiman Hakim Redza Already Back Together 0 comments Fathia admit loves Aiman. So when there is misunderstanding between us, can not want to sulk for long. Two weeks it felt like, w...
7 Photos Aaisyah With Her Cuteness Overload 2 comments Why you're so cute, Aaisyah! Since your mom pregnant, you already famous..
'All About That Bass' Singer, Meghan Trainor Coming to Singapore in April 0 comments Pop sensation Meghan Trainor, who broke into the music scene with her debut single "All About That Bass" last year, will be...
Abby Abadi Married Coming Soon? 0 comments Despite two failed marriages, there were rumors stating Abby Abadi will marry again in the near future. Why?
Behind the Pre Wedding Video Hanis Zalikha And Hairul Azreen In Paris 0 comments They not only buy goods of marriage, but also have another agenda. They're so sweet. Hope their wedding will held fast..
9 Photos Wedding Ceremony Wawa Zainal And Aeril Zafril 0 comments They're so cute, handsome and pretty...
5 Photos of Khai AF And Rosma AF After 7 Years Of Marriage 0 comments Now, they're having twwo kids ang running some business. More Photos...
6 Photos of Leez's Weeding 0 comments She's so gorgeous and beautiful in the blue wedding dress.. Articles About Their Weddding More Photo...
Sarimah Ibrahim Will Get Married This April 0 comments Sarimah Ibrahim who is a radio presenter, and actors will get married this April. They both have picked 2 April 2015 as the date of her ma...